No Minwoo Boyfriend The Cutest Photo MVcut


taraaaa…. so, this is Minwoo. Piku2 paling cute Minwoo yang q capture dari MV HD paling bagus hasil hibah dari Fanny Saeng. Check it! *janganlupanapas*

The cutest No Minwoo Boyfriend. 🙂


and this is my turn!

I have a great life!


I dont know what I should say. :p he just really cute.

okeh. cukup 5 dulu y. am mo bobo siang dulu. ntar sore update Yongmin apa Minwoo lagi ya?

13 thoughts on “No Minwoo Boyfriend The Cutest Photo MVcut

  1. niindy intan aulia

    I LOVE NO MIN WOO SO MUCH!! MUACHH..when you come in indonesian??would you concert in indonesian?? i wait 4 you in boyolali and solo’s city..i hope u gonna come in here,min woo!!,, =)

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